Background and Links

Our club was formed in 1958, in response to community concern for the conservation of native flora and fauna, geological features and Aboriginal art and artefacts. The concern was that, unless action was taken, most of the remnant native vegetation and associated fauna would be lost as a result of alienation for agriculture or forestry.

The Eastern Barred Bandicoot (Perameles gunnii) was adopted in 1976 as our club’s logo. This insectivorous marsupial was once widespread on the volcanic plains. By 1980 it was present only at Hamilton, at the sewerage farm, adjacent municipal tip and Grange Burn. It is present in Tasmania and perpetuated in Victoria only through captive-breeding. The 100-ha Hamilton Parkland wildlife enclosure is one release site.

HFNC is an incorporated not-for-profit group that aims to promote the study, conservation and enjoyment of the natural environment in SW Victoria – see Publications/Information (item X).

Flora & fauna lists, survey & work reports, natural history papers, past programs and submissions to government organisations may be seen in our Publications/Information page.

In 2008, the Glenelg-Hopkins Catchment Management Authority (GHCMA) awarded the club the “Environmental Champions Award" for its environmental work over 50 years.

We are a member of the following groups:

We have connections with the following groups: